I order the brochure for $2.97 only and did not agree to anything else. On 5/26 $149.95 was taken out of my checking account. Called company and got the run around. Complete scam

Internet & Web

Ordered a brochure online in the amount of $2.97 was taken out of my account and that was ok. On 5/26 in checking my bank account I notice a withdrawal of $149.95 was taken out of my account. I did not agree to nothing other that the brochure for $2.97. I called the company ICMWEBSITES, Forest CA. Phone number 877-863-3088. I got a lady that gave me the run around and tried to tell me that they sent me an email. Even if they did send me an email I did not agree to anything therefore they had no right to steal money from me.

Company: ICMwebsites
Country: USA
State: California
City: Forest
Phone: 8778633088
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Took my 2.97 registration, never recieved anything and charged my bank account with 139 more dollars

ICMWebsites Internet Cash Machine
An ad on the internet about working from home, i foolishly clicked on it and entered information and they took $2.97 from my account and then $139.95 for absolutely nothing

ICM WEBSITES took money out of my account for $139.95. I had authorised for $2.97, after 3 days they charged $139.95

Stole money from my bank account no grocerys this week for our family

Debited my bank account without my authorization

Charged my bank account without my permission

ICMWebsites Internet Cash Machine
Www.ICMwebsites.com They falsley advertised saying they would only charge $. 99 instead of the total cost of the program at 139.93 to review the for a 3 day trial period at which you could cancel if not to your satisfaction

This company took unauthorized money in the amount of $149.95 from my checking account. I only authorized $2.97

Internet Cash Machine - ICM Websites