Qwest Corporation
Phone and Internet Service TERRIBLE - billed for service I never received - Internet and Phone

Internet & Web

I moved into home in October and established service with Qwest. That was my mistake. My phone and internet NEVER worked. I canceled internet in Novemeber, but tried to get them to fix phone service. It never happened. I set up service calls via automated service call, and they never showed. I finally called and talked to a human in January and they finally came out - and charged me $85 to say there's nothing wrong. My phone still didn't work. I canceled all service with them, but of the 429.10 they billed me over the months, they refunded only 104.27??? By the way - COMCAST is working FINE, and were very responsive. Repeated phone calls to Qwest = runaround. I would NEVER recommend using QWEST unless, of course, you want to get ripped off and have no service. The technician even VERIFIED the service wasn't working and the phone was never used, but they would not credite my account as it was not "their fault" the line was not working??? (even after they made documented repairs???)

Company: Qwest Corporation
Country: USA
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Century Link Their 30 day money back guarantee doesn't mean all of your money

Qwest Communications
Great service from Qwest - phone

Fraud and cheating

Qwest Communications
Bad service, billed wrong and won't fix, unfair collection practices! Beware!

Qwest Communications
Ripoff service contract for internet

Worthless Cruel

Cancled internet service after I went with a cheaper phone service

Qwest Communications
Awful company

They lied to me

Customer ripoff abuse