ICM - Internet Cash Machine
ICM FRAUDULENT Credit Scam, ICM steals money

Internet & Web

Just read the reports filed before mine. The complaint is the same. They say that they are honest and up front... THEN WHY IS EVERYONE COMPLAINING? I expected to pay the 2.95$ and that is it. I called for a refund after I saw the charge on my bank statement about a week and a half later and they went straight into the rehearsed "everything was written in black and white...". Well, I did not get any service for my 139 bucks... What do I have to show for it? What did you do for me? NOTHING!!! I assume that I paid the money for some packet that you never sent me. So I should be refunded the FULL AMOUNT because you failed on your end as well. I am putting together a e-mail detailing this transaction and everyone's complaints and forwarding them to all my elected government officials in Kansas. You are taking peoples hard earned money in a scam and I will not rest until I am refunded the full amount.

Company: ICM - Internet Cash Machine
Country: USA
Phone: 8662381808
Site: yourinternetcashmachine.com
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ICM - Internet Cash Machine
Icm unauthorized charges after cancellation

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Internet Cash Machine
Stealing Money From My Bank Account

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ICM - Internet Cash Machine
Internet Cash Machine Ripoff Credit Card Charge