Ed Kohlschreiber, Nick Kohlschreiber and Andrew Lambert Moved everything out overnite and screwed all employees out of their hard earned money

Internet & Web

Mysearch seo and Ed Kohlschreiber, Nick Kohlschreiber and Andrew Lambert set out seven months ago to start a Search engine optimazation company in Huntington Beach March they moved to a bigger office in Irvine and hired alot of new people. They were paying employees 1099 however never even took their social security numbers and never had their personal info like on an application. At first I started working there it seemed as though they were legitamate but in no time the bad signs all started showing. A lot of customers started cancelling. About 3 weeks ago they started stealing money from employees and giving them short checks.

This past Friday April 30 at the end of the day Drew Lambert announced that our checks were with Ed Kohlschreiber and we would not get paid until Saturday. They actually packed up shop in the middle of the night and took off out of town leaving alot of us in a terrible financial hardship. Many of the employees tried to locate the 3 owners to find out what was up only to meet up with cop caller Drew Lambert who led us to Irvine Police. After filing report ploice said this is a civil matter and we need to go to court. Police said that Drew Lambert said they were filing bancruptcy so we are all screwed. The employees consist of many single parents who live paycheck to paycheck and are in a bad suituation not being paid.

Also all of our clients we have taken so much money from are all screwed because Mysearchseo lost their Chase merchant account and even if we contact our clients to cancel they cannot charge back to a closed merchant account. I strongly advise any customer who has done business with Mysearchseo by being promised front page placement on Google local maps section you need to contact your credit card company immediately and tell them you did business with a fraudulant company named mysearchseo that has closed its doors and stolen all your money. At least that way you will get your money back.

How these scandelous people can look at themselves in the mirror after ripping off all these customers as well as their own employees is beyond my comprehension.

All I know is Their time will come and it is called Karma. As for all the employees that are facing eviction and having utilities shut off I hope ed, Nick and Drew are real proud of themselves.

Company: MySearchSEO
Country: USA
State: California
City: Irvine
Address: 2082 Business Cenbter dr
Phone: 9493361544
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Nick Kohlschreiber, Drew Lambert and Ed Kohlschreiber Scammed 51 Employees out of two weeks pay May 1

Habitat Agency
Scam / andrew lambert

Ed Kohlschreiber Ripped off my one of the PONSI scheme members who did Jail time Ed Kohlschreibe

Scammed 51 Employees FRAUD Scheme

Ed Kohlschreiber, Nick Kohlschreiber and Andrew Lambert Mysearch seo hiring young kids and forcing them to work for free like SLAVE LABOR Telemarketting Rip Off!

Lambert & Lambert Inc
Lambert & Lambert TheyTook my Money

Lambert & Lambert
Invention And Marketing Invention promotion scam, pay $150 for a report and recieve no report and no money back. Ripoff

George Lambert Attorney at Law
George Lambert, George Lambert ESQ, George Lambert Attorney at Law, George Lambert of Washington DC Bad Lawyer, Lazy, Only does the very minimum

Weston Machine