Cash Flow - Direct
Senior Citizen Ripped Off For A Large Sum Of Money

Internet & Web

I am a Senior Citizen and only receive SS. I was scammed for a large sum of money in 2006 by Cash-Flow Direct.

I was suppose to have purchased stock, I guess you call it in Amazon, Target, and Toys R Us. They really painted me a pretty picture and I fell for it hook, line and sinker. I did this to supplement my small income.

I was suppose to receive a monthly check but I never received a dime. I phoned them every week or so and they always gave me the run around that I would get it soon. This went on for months and then they would not answer or return my calls.

I was SICK and did not know where to turn for help. I am thousands of miles away from their office so there was nothing I could do. I contacted the Attorney General, Dept. Of Consumer Protection, but they would not help.

This money was what little bit I had saved and they took it and I got nothing. Any help with getting my investment back from theses scammers would be greatly appreciated. I really could use it. Thanks!

Company: Cash Flow - Direct
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 5025 N Central Ave. #521
Phone: 19524873712
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