Roger menenes - owner of website company rip off artist - thief - scam artist

Internet & Web

Before you do business with ROGER MENENES and his WEBSITE company - I suggest you jump in front of a bus... Or see a therapist. This guy is one wack job and a thief to say the least. I went to his dual business 9Breeders (a puppy store) and a website design store who shared a common store front. I should have turned around right there and then. The placed was a smelly dog shop and Roger deceided to open a WEBSITE place... What a mistake I made. I should haave jumped in front of that bus myselg (LOL)

I walked in and there were 2 young kids there abiout 28 years old who I walked into the place and we got into a conversation about creating a webpage for my business I was creating.

Roger comes walking in from a side door, and got his nose into my business, but I still had NO IDEA who this wiesel was.in anycase the young guy named STEVEN MOLLER was the tech / owner (he claimed he was) began to go over what I needed.

I gave him my old website to follow and asked him to put certain things I wanted on the NEW webpage. I gave him $200.00 up front to get started.

About a week went by and I stopped by on the way home from work. I asked to see what had been done. It was bullshit from the beginning. Nothing I asked for was on the webpages. They decided that it was to be done "their way".. Uhh who the f* is the client here? In any cases they made a mountain of things get on there (webpage) I didn't want on the webpage. The colors were WRONG, the spelling was incorrect, the moving / spinning globe never happened. It was one f* up after another.

I asked them to correct the shit that they had produced already. On the way out I ask ROGER if he had any clients who owed his company money that I would attempt to collect those files for him. He said NO... But... He came out with two (2) files that " HE" paid two other seperate webpage companies $4,500.00 and I believe $2,500.00 to PRODUCE A WEB PAGE FOR HIS PUPPY STORE 9BREEDERS. Yep you heard it right... He got SCREWED OVER by two seperate companies who took his money and PRODUCED NOTHING. That is his story... Then, I thought about it... Why would a WEB DESIGNER slash / puppy store guy give two other WEBSITE DESIGNERS money to produce a webpage if "HE" himself was a webpage designer? HUMMMM, am I nuts or did this moron wake up one morning go to a COMP USA or a STAPLES or some other store... Buy a computer program off the shelf... And deceide he woulkd do better on his own? I think the puppy poops got him high and he just decided to go full speed ahead.in any case this moron is NO WEBPAGE PRODUCER. I asked him for my money back and got a childlike response, stamping his feet like a little girl and walking away. I went back two days later figuring I could talk to this mental case, a NO NOTHING LITTLE MAN with a NAPOLEAN COMPLEX. Fuh-ged-bowd it. I would have been better off talking to the puppies.

I asked him where was STEVEN MOLLER. His response was " I FIRED HIM" I said how can you fire him, if he was the owner iof the business. He starts screaming like a hissy little girl... He was not the owner. He worked for me. I said "he told me HE was the owner"... No... I am the owner... Hummmm!: (

I again asked him for my money back stating he produced nothing. I also stated I never approved anything he attempted to produced and delivered nothing. He was getting like a little girl, yelling and screaming, and stamping his feet like a spoiled child. I could bend him like a pretsel but figured nah... What goes around comes around.

I guess buying a computer disc out of the box (webpage desins program) makes you a webpage company?

I guess when you paid the other two companies over $4,000 and another guy just about the same money, you figured... I can do that as well. Uhhh being a puppie store selling puppies is one thing, smelling puppy shit is another thing, but being a webpage designer you are not. People go to school for that.

He is being investigated by State and Federal bureaus for not having the proper licenses and permits to run his business as of February 15.

I would stay FAR AWAY from Xplosivewebsites.com on FOWLER AVENUE IN TAMPA and this ROGER MENENSES.

Hey ROGER - if you want to come see me, come on over - I'll be more than happy to give you a piece of my mind. You are a joke, a nobody, a never was and never will be. You continue with your puppies and that business... I'll even buy you a NEW pooper scooper for you. It's more your speed, If you want to come over... Be my guest and come over... And I'll tell you that to your face what I think of you.

Company: Xplosiveswebsites.com
Country: USA
State: Florida
Phone: 8134353011
Site: xplosivewebsites.com
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