Publishing personal information on the internet including names and addresses

Internet & Web

Few "friends" who found on the internet where I live came to my door. I was shocked and asked them who told them where I live. They said on Google. Also recently, many people are comming to the door stating my name and offering a lot of services. Suddenly very suprising a lot of junk mail is comming to my mail box as well. Few years ago I was browsing internet for my anme and little or no information could be found. Now no more privacy. No more safe. I asked scarlet to remove my name immediately. She said all information they have are received from the county. So it looks like Government office is selling our information to the public. Where is privacy act now? Who is protecting us? Now This is very dangerous and we need your help to get rid of this company ASAP. This is free public record available to everyone including criminals. Please help.

Company: BlockShopper
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
Address: 2000 N Racine Suite 4500
Phone: 3124361880
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