Realgoldsoft forced purchase of virus protection, cannot operate computer until after purchase

Internet & Web

While on the computer, a window popped up stating I had 21 infections ranging from mild to critical. As I am already equipped with other virus protection, I thought at first it was a pop-up advertisement and I clicked "continue unprotected."
To my surprise, however, clicking to continue only created more pop-up windows. I did everything I could think of: hard-restart, system restore, etc. And each time the window "Security Tool" would pop up, front and center, and not allow any other programs to start as long as I refused purchase.
Sensing fraud, I was forced to purchase their "virus removal" for $79.99 USD. After doing so, computer operations seem to be back to normal, however, I can't even find the program to perform an uninstall. A confirmation email was sent to me with a phone number, but that number is busy constantly.
Furthermore, the email provided is a "noreply" email. I was forced to call my bank and request dispute resolution. Several observation lead me to believe this is not an American based company (spelling of "enquiry, " and the funds appear to be deducted and then converted into Euros).
Writing this report is almost moot since the purchase isn't a pro-active one; instead, if you're reading this, you're likely already a victim. I wrote this to raise awareness and to suggest to anyone who is a victim, call your lending institution if you haven't already to place a hold on your funds.

Company: Realgoldsoft
Country: USA
Phone: 18004699689
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Security tool Computer received virus from a facebook account

Realgoldsoft Baku Aj
Strong arm tactic

Realgoldsoft Baku Az
Invaded my computer, forcing me to purchase anti-virus program, increased the priceafter purchace

Realgoldsoft Baku
Frozen computer, popup ad said computer infected, advising security tool. Unable to get off screen until credit card # entered. Unknown

Real Gold Soft Baku
Virus Scam!

Realgoldsoft Baku
Ripped off by anti-virus scam

Forced bogus software purchase by a company posing as

Realgoldsoft Baku
Ripped offed for 99.80 by RealGoldSoft Baku!

Marketingsoftsolutions Baku
Hacked into my computer and forced me to purchase a virus protection because it said i was infected with viruses

Real gold soft baku
Real gold soft is a virus that made me pay $49.95 to restore my internet services that they took away