Ripoff by charging for cancellation in one day Los Angeles San Luis Obispo

Internet & Web

I placed an order for a TV stand on August 22. On August 23, I decided to cancel and was advised of a cancellation policy of a 30% restocking charge. We both know that they did not take the item out of stock that fast, in fact I believe that they have it shipped from a manufacturer.
This is a rotten way to do business!!!

Company: OnTheWebStores.com
Country: USA
Site: onthewebstores.com
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On The Web Stores
Terrible refund policy and even worse customer service

Walmart cancellation review

Summit Source, Inc., Aka Sky Marketing
Summitsource.com - Sky MarketingSummit Source - Sky Marketing Ripoff scam cancellation fee hidden bandit snare

Express Information Systems
This company talked my son into a contract for magazines and refused to release him from the contract aafter receiving his notice of canellation

USA Wallpaper
Ignored my e-mails, agreed to cancel order, then charged me and shipped it anyway Sandusky, Ohio

Ira Woods & Sons

The Twister Group - Eugene Pritsker
Illegally posted my personal information on a Public website due to a bad review of his company

Purchasing power
Purchasingpower.com Do not buy from this company. Very deceptive

America Online
Aka AOL Runaround, ripoff, aol scum! Useless techs! Internet

Go Optic.com - gooptic.com
I got robbed by this company