Time Warner Cable
Contractor invades Privacy/oversteps boundaries - Customer Service

Internet & Web

We have been doing business with Time Warner Cable for about 25 years. Other than the steady increase in their rates, along with lowering channel access, we've never had any issues at all with them.

Recently, when we decided to pay our bill online via our bank and the payment wasn't posted in a timely manner, we received a visit from a contractor with Time Warner Cable.

It was the absolute worst experience with any business I had ever had.

He did not ring the doorbell.instead, he opted to not knock on the door, but literally POUND on the door! It was done with such force, that my boss, who Iwas talking to on the phone gasped, asking me " what in the world is going on"? Even had a neighbor call us who had heard the pounding and noticed a guy pounding on our door.

He had no uniform, no markings on his truck, no name badge, no business card. He could have been anyone for all we knew! When I didn't drop my phone call to go to the door, he then proceeded to enter our privacy fenced back yard, and look into our back door window! I immediately dropped my call, and went outside and asked him who he was and what he was doing looking in our back door. He was very aggressive, having an "entitled" attitude, stating that he could come back there any time he wanted. He didn't have any equipment with him, just himself.

I understand that people have jobs to do, but they do not have the right to invade other people's privacy, nor be so aggressive. If they want to work on the lines or cut off the cable, just do it, but don't go sneaking around my house looking into my windows!

Company: Time Warner Cable
Country: USA
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