Time Warner Cable
Complaint - cable, phone, internet


September 24

Re: disrepectful, unprofessional technician

Approximately between the hours of 2:00 P.M.-3:00 P.M. A time warner cable representative harrasessed me, pounded on my inside aparment door, yelling and screaming in the interior hall that i had better give him the equipment, if i don’t he will disconnect my services, for 30 minutes, thereby causing all my neighbors to come out in the hallway. He repeatedly kept on yelling and screaming that i had better give him my equipment.

Ten minutes earlier i had gone to the front door and the time warner cable men indicated that i called to have my services interrupted today, and that i he want the equipment. I stated that i did not call to have my services interruppted today and that i would take my own equipment in. I closed the front door and re-entered into my apartment where my grandson who is gravely ill was sleeping. If my grandson has relaspe, i will be holding time warner cable accountable. The representative rung my door bell thirty times and rung the other tenants door bell until some let him and then he pounded on my doors for an additional 30 minutes while yelling in the hallway, i want your equipment, i am going to disconnect your service and i want your equipment know. I told him i received a letter indicating that i had until 9/30/10 to pay my bill.

He pounded on the door so hard it almost flew open and if it that would have happened, i would have had numerous neighbors as witnesses that he unlawfully entered my apartment. If this is another one of time warner cable professional courtesy, all i have to say without losing my blessings is venegance is mines, thus saith the lord, psalm 94.

Background history: if you check my records i have had numerous service technicians try to solve my pixelation problems as well as freezing sessions and problems since may. I have not been able to viewed tbn, daystar, movie channel, or starz without pixelations problems. I have attached the latest pictures that i have taken on sunday, september 19 and monday, september 20.

I am not going to pay for services that i cannot see. The problems have gotten worse and since i am a consumer, i feel that time warner cable technicians have lied to me, disrepected my intelligence, disrepected me as an individiual. I will accept this type of behavior and if you condone this type of behavior, ….. God bless you.

This has been a very emotional, unprofessional, discourteous and ill-mannered experience and i will forward all of my e-mails regarding my grievance complaints that i have sent to time warner cable to the public service commission, the better business bureau, and any other agency that keep time warner cable complaints. Because your technicans and the representative that i seen today should be held accountable for their unprofessional behaviors and actions and i want it documented especially due my grandson illness.


Company: Time Warner Cable
Country: USA
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