Real Gold Soft
They blocked my computer & I had to no choice but to buy their shitty software

Internet & Web

I turned my computer on when I got back from work and it was giving me this weird pop up which told me I had a virus on my computer about 20 of them... I tried to close it out but it kept popping up... (Which now I understand that was the actual virus or worm)... So anyway I had no choice but to pay the $59.99 tried to use my credit card 3 times but failed it would not take it... When I used my debit card it went right threw... They ended up charging me $129.85... And now when I tried to click on the soft ware it doesn't even work... I've been totally ripped off... Just got off the phone with my bank I am disputing the charges... I am on hold now for 15min when the recording told me I had a wait time of 3mins... Just music playing then it stops and goes to busy signal!!! I willl get threw!!! And you will too just be patient!

Company: Real Gold Soft
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Philadelphia
Address: 2313 E Susquehanna Ave
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Real gold soft
This company took over my computer and said I had 20 viruses on my computer that they would remove if I sent them $19.95, they are a Rip off They took $132.50 out of my credit card

Anti-Virus 360
Anti-virus 360 is a fraud and a scam

Real gold soft baku
Real gold soft is a virus that made me pay $49.95 to restore my internet services that they took away
Unauthorised payment. The company deducted money from my credit which i did not authorised

Real gold soft baku
Security Tool Internet Fraud
Consumer Report

Pandora Software / Cure-soft
Antivirus RIP-OFF Internet

Real Gold Soft Baku
Virus Scam!

Best Soft
Best Soft If you see a pop up on your computer saying your virus protection has expired and your computer is infected do not give your credit card info! U

Real Gold Soft
Hacked into my security center on my computer. Had to buy software. Six weeks later its back