MyrtleBeachNow.com Defrauded us of our fees

Internet & Web

Web freelancers beware - this company defrauds vendors by ignoring invoices.

Under the names of DSLmarketing.com & MyrtleBeachNow.com, Trey Harris (Claude O Harris) and Chris Crowl repeatedly lied to us over invoices that were 6 months overdue.

We were hired because their main website, MyrtleBeachNow.com, was penalized in Google - their ranks were suppressed because of technical issues. After successfully removing that penalty, we were not paid for over 5 months. We then threatened SEO recourse (where we rank web pages publicizing the attempt to defraud for their name, like this complaint). Apparently, the site was once again suppressed, 5 months after we stopped work, but this time they blamed us because of the recourse threats.

Their litigator, Reese Boyd III, then contacted us, sending a "contract" that suggested we were acting criminally and that to be paid we had to sign a document in which we promised to "undo" whatever it was they thought we did, as well as promise to not prevent 3rd parties from accessing their website, etc.

Company: DSLmarketing.com
Country: USA
State: South Carolina
City: Myrtle Beach
Address: 615 Seaboard Street
Phone: 8439164544
Site: dslmarketing.com
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DSLmarketing.com These guys accused us of criminality, lied to us, and attempted to defraud us of our fees

J.K. Harris & CO
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