Securesiteoffers, com Gave me 3 day trial on a thursday. I tried to contact them on saturday to cancel with no answer. I was charged $129 on sunday

Internet & Web

I saw the add pop up on thursday night saying make money at home with Google, also saying it was seen on ABC, CNN and CNBC. They went even as far as showing news interviews. After signing up I tried to Log in to http://incomemembership.com and could not.

1 out of three day trial period was now gone. I again tried on friday but it still would not log me in. It was too late on friday to cancel membership. I thought I would try on saturday. I tried calling on saturday (888-753-4203) but could not get through just busy signal. I looked through webpages that were associated with them and found incomeeasystreet.com they showed Mon-Fri 9AM to 5PM MST.

No mention of being open on saturday. I called again on monday which would be the next normal business day. It took me 30 minutes to get through. I talked with customer services and was told they would not refund my money. I asked for a supervisor and was told there was no supervisor. With no help from their customer service I then called my bank.

I have to wait for the payment to process and then take my dispute forms to my local bank branch. They will investigate from there. I will also take printouts from usacomplaints.com and give it to the bank. If this was such a good program why would you need to be deceitful and rip people off. I know there are problems when you call a customer service number and they never ask you why you want to cancel something.

Company: Ebay/incomemembership.com
Country: USA
Phone: 18887534203
Site: incomemembership.com
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Creative Search Training Shady operations

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No way to cancel and still charged me 29.95

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Took out 139.97 because i couldn't cancel in the so called 3 day trail because the office hours was closed before i got off on saturday and was not open on sunday and was closed r just didn't answer o

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Ebay - incomemembership.com United States of Americano open advertising on membership-only stated will mail information-no email or small print stating you have to cancel or will be charged $129? Phoeni

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