Evisions Marketing - Engine seeker
Rip-off artists claim to be web traffic experts but drive computer-generated traffic to sites

Internet & Web

This company is a scam as they are driving meaningless clicks to the site to make it look good. Once i saw their 'expert' keywords i printed out the traffic they drove to my site (pathetic) and started researching them.

Here is their scam... They are using overseas 'providers' (at $1.50 per hour) that they find on companies like www.odesk.com to do the keyword search for them but these overseas 'providers' have no idea of the U.S. Markets and this is why they made the initial recommendations with their keywords. Then engine seekers uses computer generated clicks to the customer's address to show that some traffic did go to that address but all traffic is bogus fake traffic.

How i know that engine seeker is a scam... My sales before i hired them were zero and they continued to be zero with them... No need for more.

I demand a full refund of $509.95 from these thieves!!!

This complaint will be filed with:

Their local Better Business
Federal Trade Commission
Google Adwords qualifications department

Company: Evisions Marketing - Engine seeker
Country: USA
State: Arizona
Address: 7910 S. KYRENE RD., #106
Phone: 88861789
Site: engineseeker.com
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Evisions Engine Seeker
Rip off search engine service unable to cancel they just keep charging AZ 85283

City Grid Media
City Search Fraudulent computer generated clicks-bogus billing

Evisions Marketing - Engine seeker

Engine seekers
This came from: nobody@engineseekers.com Engine seekers promised to drive traffic to my website and they built

Ecommerce Advisors
Seo scam promised me traffic and money and did nothing for my website

Top 3 Ads
Bill Klein This Search Engine Company is a Scam. They charge you for services not delivered. Be carefull they Make promises that you will make so much money for their work but all they do is take your money lutz

Google Traffic Loophole by Alex Goad Scam
Is misleading customers and uses false advertising

Admarketplace practicing click fraud

Consumer Report

Is a phony web promoting tool that is suposed to place your website on top of search engine pages