Wwwooorrrsssttt cccuuusttomer! Ruuun awayyyy utah

Internet & Web

Don't ever hire them to build you a website, you will wait 1 year, they will bill you and at the end, they will not provide the full service you had paid. This is the worst company i had to deal with!!!

Company: Businesspromotioninc
Country: USA
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Business promotion inc
Wwwooorrrsssttt cccuuusttomer! Ruuun awayyyy

Businesspromotioninc horrible terrible careless service! Don"t ever order from them!

Terrible aweful service nightmare!

J-mar Wrestling Belts
Ripoff business from hell

The Design People
Thedesignpeople, The Design People Website designers charged me over $1,700 and NEVER built or hosted my website. They are a ripoff!
They upgraded me by saying if I pay 35 to upgrade then I will get full service from the website but I didn't get full service after I paid

Business promotion inc
Fraud undelivered services internet

Metro PCS
Is the worst company in the world!

Parthiv shah this company took 1 year to build my website. They charge me 6000.00 for a custom website that should be a mlm. But build a ecommerces website that i could have done for 500.00 and it does not functio

Directv is the worst. - DirecTV service