Quick Profit Kit
Google Profits - Google Profits Kit - Farend Services Limited Scam, bait & switch, hidden "membership" deep in "Terms and Conditions" link, difficult to open

Internet & Web

This is a classic "bait and switch" scam; you think you're buying an informative CD on "How to Make Money on Google, " implying that it is somehow connected to the iconic search engine but it's NOT. What they DON'T say is that hidden way down in paragraph 5 of the "Terms and Conditions" link (which is hard to open - it takes at least 4 tries and most people just give up; that must be some kind of programmer trick...) is that, if you don't cancel within 48 hours (48 hours! - how the hell can you evaluate a business opportunity in 2 days???) you are obligated to a monthly "membership" at $79.64/mo for God-knows-what...

Company: Quick Profit Kit
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Aurora
Address: PO Box 22100 E. 26th St
Phone: 8664514325
Site: quickprofitkit.com
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