Ebay.com Americas Online Marketplace Ebay E-bay
Front For Theifs Robbed on Ebay

Internet & Web

I was selling a few fine jewelery items on Ebay recently. I had a buyer show interest in both the items and I received an email from Ebay stating that my items have sold. So I went through the necessary steps and sent the items through fedex off to Europe. A few days go by and I did not receive a payment from the buyer. I contacted Ebay immediatly and apparently the emails that I was sent through Ebay were fraudulent or fabricated from some unknown source. So I go through the steps to file a case of internet crime and after talking with 6 different reps and spending two days on the phone with them, they tell me that all traces of the transaction has been erased from there system. There for they will not be reimbursing me for my loses.

I used Ebay which is suppose to be a trusted site for internet buying and selling and now someone has hacked there system and they are all of sudden not responsible for that! This is a case of the worst customer service I have ever encountered.

Company: Ebay.com Americas Online Marketplace Ebay E-bay
Country: USA
Address: 2065 Hamilton Avenue San Jose, California 95125
Phone: 4083767400
Site: ebay.com
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Ebay / Lester Supervisor
EBAY SCAM, Won't refund, negative feedback, won't credit, paypal scam

Dropped me from their protection program cause I used it

Bad service

Ebay and paypal

MY Ebay Internet

Carmen H. Rosa - Checkourexpress
Vzeed92n@verizon.net Fraudulent ebay seller Internet Selling - Hostile Communications ripoff

Maple City Wholesalers - James Gambrel - Karaoke46350
Ebay Member ripoff, fraudulent business on ebay, very dishonest, buyer beware, ebay will not help

Ebay.com, Paypal. Comebay ripoff, scam, rip off, screw, fraud, fraudulent billing

Biased treatment of sellers Wrongly accused

Sellers get burned while buyers get protected