Lazy Cash Formula
Joel "Cash" Johnson rehashed information, poor quality campaigns, caused my Google Adwords account to be terminated

Internet & Web

Lots of internet marketing scams often have many things in common: rehashed information, poor quality, or outdated information to name a few. These scams are bad enough. Then there's the scam that looks legit, but indirectly causes harm. Lazy Cash Formula is one of them. These scams are much worse because the site itself is technically not responsible, but they indirectly cause an inconvenience, to say the least.

Lazy Cash Formula is another one of those rehashed, I-can-help-you types of sites. They promise big gains with little effort, and show screenshots of the supposed money you can make if you join. Yet, also like the others, this site offers useless information. LCF promotes Google Adwords as a way to make money. You promote the products on their site and make a commision as an affiliate for any that you sell. You promote them through Google Adwords. They give you 20 campaigns to choose from, a short keywords list that you paste into the ad that you create, as well as the actual ad that displays to the public. They call their system LCF because you merely copy and paste these campaigns into Google Adwords and watch the money roll in. Yeah, and my mom's a supermodel.

What these sly people neglect to tell you is that each campaign in Google costs you money, and lots of it. With LCF selling this information to the public, many people are potentially using the exact same keywords and ads. This causes competition to rise and the cost per click, (what you pay when someone clicks on your ad) to skyrocket. People can pay $3 for a single click only to try to beat their competition.

They also conveniently neglect to mention that only about one percent of people who click through on your ad actually buy the product you promote. If a thousand people click on your ad, then only about ten will buy. And at three dollars a click, you be the judge: Is that really worth the investment?

Thirdly, LCF makes a false claim that anyone can use their system. Actually, Adwords isn't set up for people who are just starting out. Sure, it seems like less work than other techniques, but the investment and analysis that go into it are for more experienced internet marketers. So I guess it turns out... The Lazy Cash Formula isn't for the lazy after all.

Lastly and definitely the most important of these points, LCF apparently didn't bother to mention the Google Adwords policies. As I found out from my termination letter, Google may ban you at its sole disgression if your ad promotes what it considers a bad site. Although they do not give you the formula, your account may be terminated if it violates one of the following: sites that overpromise and underdeliver, sites that sell free information, get rich skemes, and sites that promote illegal activity. The only policy that LCF may have violated is the get rich quick skeme. But if this is so, then Google ought to terminate everyone's account who sells any internet marketing product. All of them use the same strategies to get customers to buy.

Even though I have received a refund from LCF, they have scammed me in a more brutal way. After promoting their product, Google sent me one letter—just one—saying that my account was terminated for promoting a bad site. When your Google Adwords account is terminated, they ban you for life. You are not allowed to register for any more accounts with them. Of course I have tried contacting Google several times, but to no avail. Who am I—one meezly minuscule maggot—to the two ton elephant? Google has many more customers to feed off of. Why should a billion dollar company care about the people they've cheated? Everyone who has gotten their accounts banned knows Google's automated system is in the wrong, but there is nothing we can do that will make them listen to us. They say they do, but do they?

The worst part for me was that LCF was the one promoting their product, and I took the beating. If anyone should have their site taken down, it's them. And Google never even sent me a warning. They claimed my offense was egregious, and yet they never sent a prior notice. If they had, I would have taken down the ad immediately. Google doesn't understand that banning a customer doesn't just ruin their campaign; it ruins major pathways of their internet marketing career. Please do not join Lazy Cash Formula. They are a bad company that will get your Google Adwords account banned. Their site apparently violates good advertising standards. Heed my warning. Do not join LCF.

Company: Lazy Cash Formula
Country: USA
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