Scam secure0. On1inetrack.com

Internet & Web

It was happened in Sept. I was unemployed for a long while. I thought it's not a bad idea to get some online business idea with $1.97. I saw that charge was shipping charge, which they just gave you the login name and password. The name and password couldn't even login. I just ignored the whole thing, thinking $1.97 could be OK to loose, even though I had never login once.
Just couple days ago I found out they charged me $79.90, I rushed to the bank asking for the dispute of that payment. Unfortunately I could only get half back even though we had 3-way conference with the TQG supervisor and the bank staff. TQG supervisor kept telling me the $1.97 is online shipping charge, and that was also the membership activation fee. Did that mentioned in their website? Certainly not. The bank staff told me what they did is totally legal, because they had their terms and conditions written. Therefore the bank couldn't do anything further for the claim.
I might not had a brain, nor a job, but certainly I had time. I would also have that report to FTC after confirmation of their refund, or even small claim office. I didn't want another case happened just liked me, even though I couldn't get my money back.

Company: TQG*onlinebizkit
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Site: on1inetrack.com, secure0.on1inetrack.com/goph/offer=go_qg_
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