Department of Law and investigation
Officer Auftin Called my cell phone everyday. Stating I would be in big trouble

Internet & Web

I was called three time by an Officer Auftin. He had an accent and was very rude. He called me from three different phone numbers. The first time he called he stated I was being sued for internet fraud. Then proceeded to tell me to keep my mouth shut until he was done. While he was talking the phone cut off. The next day he left a message on my phone saying if I don't call him back I will be in big trouble. The last time he called he didn't realize my phone was recording his conversation with someone else. He never left a message for me. I pulled up the phone numbers and they were all out of San Diego, CA. I also reported him to the FBI. The numbers he phoned me from were 562-684-6333,666-887-8068 and 615-724-7999.

Company: Department of Law and investigation
Country: USA
Phone: 5626846333
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Department of law and investigation
Department of Law and Investigation-A Fraud Scam-Do Not Be a Victim of this Scam

Officer Steve Martin with the United Nations Legal Department
Left me an alerting message pertaining to a family member who was in "huge trouble." He told me to call him back to hear about the case. He had a very strong Middle Eastern accent


Department of Law and investigation
Jack Smith They left a message on my machine saying tht they are from the department of law and imvestigation. The man who left the message on my machine had an indian accent and said his name was jack smith. He

Federal Crimes & Investigation
Officer Mike Watson Voice mail threatening legal action using last 4 numbers of SS, left phone # and name. Wished me a good day

Criminal Investigation of Finance
Threat of being arrested, job loss and life behind bars. They also said they would take my employer and friends to court

Officer Neil Smith, Department of Law & Investigation Called my cell and left vaguely threatening message

Cottman Transmission
Ripoff ripoff business from hell

US National Payday Loan
Man with a heavy Indian accent called and left a threatening message on my cell phone twice

American Law Division
Said they had a claim on me