, llc fruadulent charges

Internet & Web

This company has fraudulently tried to charge me for services twice that I never ordered. They have used a telemarker to call in and get a name of one of my employees and then bill my phone number for services I've have never ordered. Both times I contacted them when it showed up on my phone bill. They continued to bill me for three months the first time I saw their charge. I did finally receive a credit but then 6 months later they claim I ordered services again! I called them and they claim to have spoken with a person in my company that ordered web hosting for me? They gave a name of a person who has never been an employee of mine. I spoke with my staff and checked our call logs and nobody ever had a conversation with them requesting their services. I am still in the process of trying to receive a credit on my phone bill for their charges. This company is a scam. I would recommend anyone considering using them to search elsewhere for a more reputable company.


Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Parsippany
Address: 2001 Route 46 Suite 310
Phone: 8882538529
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Phone Billing scam
Bogus Charges for web hosting

OAN Services
Billed Me For Services Not Ordered Via My Verizon Account Fraudulent charge added to my Verizon bill?
Interstate communications fraud. Takes advantage of the FCC rule that forces local providers to handle AMERILINKS fraudulant bills

OAN Services
Unauthorized charges
Put charges on my phone for $14.95 for 2 months without my consent

Scam my name for services I never ordered

Family Contact 911, Fraudulently billed for unwanted services

Fraudulent billing for services never ordered
Unauthorized charges on my AT&T bill