Ripoff cheated employees and screwed the customers even more

Internet & Web

CompUSA, lots of toys, right? Try this, select a computer system and decide not to buy the protection plan. You get pitched even harder, several times... A manager will probably hit you before the sale is closed. If you still don't buy, the question is posed; "is this a business or personal purchase?" answer that it is even partially business and the sale is almost surely going to go through the business sales desk.

See, there are 2 stores, retail & business. The margins for electronics are very slim. The margins for protection plans are HUGE. (don't get me wrong, insurance is good. If you need it.)

The real screw is that the sales person that worked so hard to help you with the purchase will loose the sale to the "business division" so that the management that gets it's bonuses based on the highest margin items (protection/insurance) will have good numbers at the end of the day.

Every elecronics store offers these plans. CompUSA is all about money today.

EVERY SALE HAS 15-30 DAYS TO RETURN ITEMS!!! Even the protection plan.

Help your sales person. Give him/her every opportunity to take the sale to the counter. If their numbers are above quota for the pay period they may elect to run low margin items through the business desk to make more money.

Company: CompUSA
Country: USA
State: Texas
Address: 1000 Townpike
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Extended warranty TV bulb replacement is a scam

Deceptive company, victimized many consumers, ripoff waste of time ripoff swindlers ripoff thieves

Comp USA Deceptive Advertising Practices Letter to CEO of Comp USA

RIPOFF Bait & Switch Sunday Ads - No Stock - No Rain Checks!

Return Policy Rip Off Sure this will work on your system! Lost over $200. CompUSA has permanently lost my business!

CompUSA Extended Warranty not honored

Ripoff Illegal amount of time to pay non-manufacture yes that's a CompUSA rebate

Canon USA - CompUSA
Ripoff rebate refusal

Won't honor their warranty

Rebate ripoff!