America OnLine
"No Means No" but never at AOL! Refuses to close accounts as advised, continues to shove it's product with baffle-gab & continues to rip us off with a bill monthly. 10011

Internet & Web

If you'd like to confirm that AOL's marketing people can't be trusted any further than you can spit, try cancelling your AOL account via e-mail and with a follow-up phone call.

Instead of accepting that "No Means No", while showing some self-respect acquiescing to your expressed wish to cancel and simply let you go, your AOL "Cancellation Representative" (nothing more than a poorly educated Inside Sales Rep) will take control of your conversation, interrupt with no let-up, refuse to acknowledge your wish to cancel and baffle-gab you with product package alternatives at far lower price points, which previously were never presented to you.

In effect, the lack of common self-respect at AOL is so overt, that you can't help but notice how it has bought & sold itself over the years like whores & hotcakes on a Spot Market. Though I had come to value AOL as an efficient performance product, I'm no longer willing to do business with AOL at any price, not even a gun-point.

It has continued it's attempts to bill the VISA card that I closed when I uninstalled AOL from my computer, and I anticipate that it will continue trying to bill that closed VISA account for it's own undue enrichment. However, I have since transferred my brand loyalty to alternative product. I no longer care whether AOL is sick or well, dead or alive. And that's on the line.

Company: America OnLine
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York City
Address: 45 W. 18th Street
Phone: 2122064400
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Wu-yi Source
Unauthorized charges

Charged my visa and did not send product
Unauthorized charges Classic bait and switch. Advertizes lowest price for brand then delivers generic substitute.internet

Dead Sea Kit Company
Consumer Report

24 Hour Fitness

Supermedia will continue to bill after account is closed Stay away
SuperMedia LLC Supermedia will continue to bill after account is closed Stay away. SuperMedia LLC

America Online
Consumer Report

Net Zero
Continues To Make Their Money Off Customer Cancelled Accounts, continues to bill me after cancelling my account month after month, ripoff