ADL Staffing Inc. Aka ADL Technology Services Inc
ADL Staffing Inc., ADL Technology Services Inc. Non-payment for services rendered & material breach of contract

Internet & Web

We rendered services to ADL Staffing aka ADL Technology Services Inc. Between the dates of 12/10 and 01/20, pursuant to a services agreement dated 12/09 signed by Patrick Harris of ADL Technology Services Inc. The agreement required for ADL to pay us on a net 30 basis (within 30 days of receipt of our invoice).

As of April ADL owed us $4700 which was over 50 days overdue as of then. After numerous calls and emails to Dev Desai and Patrick Harris of ADL, none of which yielded any response at all, Patrick Harris eventually responded when we sent him a final notice before start of legal action. He sent us an email committing to settle the outstanding amount immediately. He made a payment of $2700 during the second week of May, and committed to paying the balance of $2000 by the end of May.

To date, we have neither received this balance of $2000 nor have any of our messages to Patrick following up on this payment, have been responded to.

Our legal counsel will be pursuing further action on Patrick Harris / ADL Technology Services for material breach of contract.

[The following is a copy of the email sent by Patrick Harris on May 08 after a series of follow-ups. The $2000 that is referred to in the email is yet to be paid]

From: Patrick Harris [mailto:]
Sent: Friday, May 08 2:56 PM
Subject: Re: Long Overdue

Please confirm wire for $2700.00 into your account. Remaining $2000.00 will be wired by end of May. Sorry for the delay in this matter.

Company: ADL Staffing Inc. Aka ADL Technology Services Inc
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Palm Beach Gardens
Address: 4400 NorthCorp Pkwy
Phone: 5618477144
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ADL Technology Services, Inc
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ADL Technology Services, Inc
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