Acceris Communication Partners
Somehow Affiliated With Or Aka. World Xchange San Diego, Ca consumer fraud ripoff

Internet & Web

Today I was discussing my phone bill with Sprint rep., and was told about a $642.00 charge put on by USBI for calls to the Solomon Islands. Sprint gave me # to call USBI. Called USBI. Was told all they do is bill for their customers. Gave me # for World Xchange out of San Diego, CA. Tried numerous times to get to talk to someone. All I got was voice-mail run around. Finally operator gave me # for their "Legal Dept." Called that #, got more voice mail. Called again, got same operator. Told her I didn't want voice mail, get me someone in high position to talk to. Got another voice mail deadend. Called Sprint back. They offered connect me with USBI. Again got v.M. Deadend. Called Acceris, and demanded real person, high-ranking ASAP! Got v.M. Deadend. Called Sprint back. They dialed USBI for me. Got lady who tried to put me off. Demanded to talk to higher up. Supv. Came on line, heard my plight, and said he'd see to it that my Sprint account was credited. Acceris (World Xchange) was only LD service provider. Was told to go to Earthlink to find out to whom I'd made call. Have had no contact w / Acceris, anyone else since. I commend Sprint for their help in getting me in contact with someone who finally got credit for me. I believe this is some sort of scam operation involving Acceris, World Xchange, and a web site at Solomon Islands which is off in the western Pacific between New Guinea and Australia.
Accerism told me they were only a LD carrier and I had to have intentionally, and knowingly downloaded a "Dialer" on the internet, and allowed them to disconnect me from same, and ok'd that they dial up Solomon Islands for me, and had explicit knowledge of the charges for the call. Thank you Sprint! Boo others. What a scam they're running!

Company: Acceris Communication Partners
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego
Address: 9775 Business Park Ave
Phone: 8585475700
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Sprint Pcs
Don't use!

Voice Mail - USBI - Sprint
Rip-off! Tampa

Acceris Communication
Charges fraud

AKA Acceris Communications ripoff Switched my long distance telephone provider without my consent and billed me $206.65 Plus I paid charges to bellsouth for the swich and then to switch it back

Buzz Telcom charge $9.95 activation fee for long distance services This is on my Sprint bill called they play a record of me agreeing to this This is a fake recording

USBI, Promise Vision
Still billing after cancellation Ripoff

Charged me $26 for an international call that I wasn't even aware of. Rip-off! Nationwide

Usbi/one Call Comm
Usbi/one call com ripoff, onecallcom. Fraudulent billing practice, scamming fort worth texas

Sprint PCS
Made unauthorized changes to my plan

Tralee Telephone, sprint, usbi
Ipoff, more fraud, unwanted services