Blue Hippo
They tried to rip me off

Internet & Web

I decided to call this company in october... Everything seemed great, the kids would finally have a computer, which was needed for their homework... I went with the direct pay to make it easier... A month later i recieved their welcoe pasket and it cosined what i had purchased and a letter about a shipping schedule... So i put the mail up and continued living... A month went by, nothing... Two months went by, still nothing... As the third and fourth month began to pass, i decided to call... When i called the opeator told me that there was a freeze on my account... When i asked why, because they were still taking money from my account... She couldn't explain, but said that she would remove it and that my shipping schedule would be on its way within seven days... Fine. I hung up... Now, this was february... March came and went, so i called again... The operator states that i would be recieving t in another seven days... April came, still the same response from the operator... The same in May and June, but this time i told her to cancel this mess... The first thing out of her mouth was..."Well, you know there's a 275.00 termination fee... I told her that i didn't care and that i wouldn't pay that anyway, because the defaslted on their own contract... So, while i stewed and boiled at my work desk, my boss, the best in the world, says... Mrs. G, what's wrong... When i spoke, you could see the cocern on his face and that's when he told me to call the Dept. Of Weights and Measures... What, i sang... He said that this companyis for the consumers, not the business's, like the better business bureau... So, i took advice and called... They sent me a complkaint form, that i faxed right back over to them, and put the original in the mail... When they responded, it was a copy my complaint and the dept. Where they were forwarding it too... Blue hippo is stationed in las vegas... The next thing i get is the Nevada Attorney General calling my jb, asking for me... So, i thought that i was in trouble... She explained that blue hippo don' scanned so many people that the state's attorney general's office had to tke it over... Wow... And she was now calling me personally... I felt important... Either way, i told her my story again and she promised that i would get my money back... She said that they had to pay everyone back and that she'd be checking up on them too... She even said that i was right, by them defaulting on their own contract, i was not liable for their termination fee... So, in January of blue hippo deposited my money back into my account and the attorney general also called me to make sure that i got it... Wow... So, i've come to realization that Blue Hippo neverhad computers... They knew that by not sending computer info, everyone would cancel... And they would reap the benefits of 275.00 per person canceling... Which would be everyone who ordered a comp. Throught them... So, any problems with companies... Call the Department of Weights and Measures... It's should be located under county offices...

Company: Blue Hippo
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
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Blue Hippo
Rip off

Blue Hippo
It's unfair to pay so much money to a consumer, and get nothing in return!

Blue Hippo Co
Fraudulent company, Beware of Blue Hippo!

Blue Hippo
Blue Hippo-Rip Off-Will take your Money-Will not send Murchandise OR Refund Money!

Blue Hippo
Blue Hippo promised me a computer, software and a printer and I paid $2,178.00 and to this day has never received anything. When I call I continually get the run around. Ripoff

Blue Hippo
Lue hippo cheats schemes and liars

Blue Hippo, Blue Hippo Funding
Blue Hippo Funding, LLC ripoff and a scam Not Sure

Blue Hippo Funding
Blue Hippo, LLC Misleading Advertising, Improper Selling Practices, Non Delivery of Goods or Services, Misrepresentation Ripoff

Blue Hippo
I have been trying to dicontinue my accout since FEB. Of with no results

Blue Hippo
Don't send blue hippo any money! Baltimore md