Mighty Ne - Credit Report.com - Credit Watch.com
Mighty Net Credit Report.com - Credit Watch.com Their alleged "FREE" aptly, boldly, stated multiple times, debited my bank card the second i clicked submit and receive report

Internet & Web

This bogus online consumer credit report provider and monitoring company is a major scam and ripoff artist of gargantuan proportions. They entice the consumer with false promises of receiving a "FREE" credit report and credit score.

Their site is inundated with bold, colorful writing which incidentally overemphasizes it's "FREE" and the consumer is under NO obligation to pay for the service.

They offer a seven (7) day "FREE" trial period and in their own words, "by ordering your free credit report and free score, you will automatically be enrolled in a 7-day free trial of 3 credit bureau monitoring and tracking." the word "FREE" is used three (3) times in their opening offer.

They continue this explanation of their "FREE" service by stating, "you may cancel your free trial of credit monitoring with no obligation, at anytime during your trial period. If you decide to cancel withing your trial period, you will NOT BE CHARGED."

They further offer five (5) advantages you receive if you order their 60 day program which does tell you it contains a monthly membership fee that may be cancelled at anytime.

They are a bunch of liars and con-artists with the ill conceived notion that the consumer ordering their service will either forget to cancel their 7-day trial period within the specified time or the service isn't "FREE" to begin with.

I already know for 100% certainty there is NO 7-day "FREE" trial period because i accessed the service June 26th. Lo and behold, they debited my checking account on that same date.

Once i received my credit report from only one agency, i immediately became suspicious. When i perused the site to see why i wasn't receiving information from the other two credit bureaus' or my credit score, i was routed to another page that explained how i could receive my credit score for an additional fee for which i declined. I was also told i would have to pay additional fees to receive reports from the other two credit bureaus.

Unfortunately, i didn't record the fees and when i returned to the site, was unable to access the page that states those fees. Best my memory serves me, it was either $3.99 or $4.99 to receive my credit score, and either $12.99 or $14.99 to access the other two credit bureaus.

I don't understand why they charged me for what they insist so many times is "FREE", but i'm not done dealing with this company. I will be calling them in a couple of hours to cancel my so-called 7-day free trial which was initiated 6 days ago, and to insist they return funds to my bank account immediately. When they debited my account, i was already over-drafted which resulted in additional fees of $34 being taken from me.

There's nothing more i enjoy doing in my present life than advocating for people who can't speak up for themselves or attempt to and get nowhere. Many people simply drop pursuit because it's time consuming and aggravating. I'm laid off from my job and i have plenty of time to pursue skanks like this credit reporting company.

It's my mission to pursue these unscrupulous people for as long as it takes to get positive results even if i have to contact every major news media in the country. I refuse to allow this to happen to anyone else. When they messed with me, they messed with the wrong person.

hendersonville, Tennessee

Company: Mighty Ne - Credit Report.com - Credit Watch.com
Country: USA
State: California
City: Agoura Hills
Address: P.O. Box 1829
Phone: 8668833309
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