DON'T sign up on this site! Nationwide

Internet & Web

This ring-tone site offers 2 payment options...

$ 1.99/m - for 12 months
$ 5.99/m - for 3 months (I am guessing one-time payment for 3 months?)

I am guessing it's an automatic renewal. I did not look to see if there was a way to cancel or dispute their charges. Seems that others had no luck doing so!

Luckily, I used a SecureCard and I didn't have enough funds to cover what they were trying to charge me for... $ 23.88... So, fortunately, it was declined! I was confused about the above options... I am GLAD I didn't choose the second option... I'd be afraid to see the charges from that option!

I was able to escape without losing a cent... Luckily!!! It's funny, though, when I tried to enter the card information... It came back asking me to enter the correct expiration date and the CSV number. So... Dumb me... I just entered a different SecureCard and, again, it still asked me to enter the correct expiration date and the CSV number!

As I said, I escaped... I didn't have enough money and was able to delete the SecureCards to avoid further attempts of trying to charge me. When I looked in my transaction history... There were 2 attempts of charging me $ 23.88... One for each attempt to enter my card information.

If they had been successful, it would have been a rip-off!!! They would have taken $ 47.76 which I would NOT have gotten back... Either from them nor my card company!

So, in my opinion... I consider this site to be NOTHING but a Rip-Off!!!

Besides, their ringtones suck... They start at the beginning of a song instead of the chorus, or a little of the verse and to the chorus, which is more common for ringtones.

Also, my cell phone service didn't seem to be listed, but, yet, they still charged me! I don't know if this service would have worked with my service or my phone. I wasn't able to get that far because, obviously, they weren't able to get a payment from me and so I probably would not have been able to download anything to my phone.

Other consumers, I hope you read this BEFORE you get ripped-off by this site! If you are considering it... However attractive and legit it looks... Don't!!!

Company: Funtonia
Country: USA
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Wap. I paid $17.00 for 3 months ringtone service w / credit card and got no ringtones

Takes your money and runs! They need to be investigated and give people's money back!
Funtonia scams another one They got me for 2 charges of $23.88 a piece

Fraud, lies, and deception is practiced at "Funtonia", Internet
I orderd unlimitid ringtones only to be billed aprx. $24 for a bogus service and a company without any contact information what so eve

Rip off online based
Ripped off, scammed customers out of money. Ringtones do not work for any phone

Scam, ripoff, and fraud, second time canceling subscription because ringtones never downloaded. I cancel second time and yesterday they charge my againg? Some one has to do something about this

Funtonia Polyphonics
Abigail - Funtonia Support Team Funtonia falsified service by offering ringtones for Boost Mobile. No ringtones outside of Boost are compatable