offers rock bottom prices, only receives payment through moneygram, western union and wire transfer. Does not send you the product

Internet & Web

This company first hacks into someones hotmail/MSN account. Then send the following email to the people in the contact list. "Heya how are you today? I would like to introduce you a very good company which i knew. Their website is They can offer you all kinds of electronical roducts which you need like laptops, gps, TV LCD, cell phones, ps3, MP3/4, motorcycles etc... Please take some time to have a check, there must be somethings you 'd like to purchase. Their contact email: MSN: Hope you have a good mood in shopping from their company! Regards. After receving such an email from a friends email address, I actually called him and asked him about the company. My friend told me, he did not send such emails! When people in the contact list receives this email, they think, this email came from their friend. Some people actually then visits the way this website is very enticing and good looking. The have too good to be true prices! (red flag). They claim they take Paypal, Visa etc but at the end of the checkout process, they only show moneygram, western union or wire transfer as modes of payment (another red flag). I personally did not send them any payment. A lot of pleople got scammed by this company. Some very smartass from China behind this. Stay away from this company.

Country: China, People's Republic of
  <     >  

Entices consumers with cheap price. Only Receives payment through moneygram or western union and does not send the product! Cheater Company. Beijing China registered No sc349109 I ordered 10 Apple Iphone 4 32gb from their website and I western Union them the money. Western Union Confirm payment was picked up. Now they refuse to send me my purchase or money back and said I ha Internet

Email: goodelesale@yahoo. Cn High-jacked my email account and spammed everyone on my mailing list advertising their website

Digital China Co., Ltd (
Consumer Report

Western Digital
Repeat rebate ripoff: refused rebate for second product in a year. Claim I did not include the UPC or sales receipt from Best Buy spammer, hotmail Houston

Consumer Report,, digital switch scam, fraud, rip-off

Digital River Gmbh
Unauthorized Access to PayPal Account

Digital China Co., Ltd (
Consumer Report