Video Professor
Bait and Switch rip off They advertise as free then they want to charge you deceptive company Denve

Internet & Web

For years I have seen the advertisements by this clown John W. Scherer saying that he "Just wants us to get to know his company", so he is willing to send us a 'FREE' lesson.

What he doesn't tell you is that the 'FREE' lesson is included in a 3 CD set and that in order to get the COMPLETE lesson you will be charged $69.95 unless you send one of the 3 CD's back to him.

Let's face it most folks are too busy or lazy to return one of the CD's so they wind up spending $69.95 $6.95 S&H for this 'FREE' Lesson. To call it misleading would be gross understatement. I declare it to be blatant mis-advertising, designed to sucker the poor unsuspecting consumer into buying stuff for more than was advertised.

Company: Video Professor
Country: USA
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