Pet Food Direct
Warning Regarding Shipping Policies

Internet & Web

My shipment was sent and returned because UPS could not deliver the package to me and the company refused to refund the shipping charges as a matter of company policy. This means that if you place an order, no matter what happens through absolutely no fault of your own and even if you never get the product you ordered, the shipping charge is never coming back.

Company: Pet Food Direct
Country: USA
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Refused to cancel an order and refused to refund the shipping charges

Forever Comfy
Consumer Report

Wares Direct
They charge you before shipping and then seek to charge you more for shipping after you get your order!

Pet Food Direct
I paid $25 for shipping and had to call them and they told me it was going to be another 4 days. I asked for a refund and they said I'd get it in 5 to 7 business days. Never got it and called them
Tell you 10.99 but really 24.97, no chance to review before charge

Cellular Outfitter
Miss leading shipping information Orange

Merchandise Direct
Ripped us off ridiculous shipping charges, no contact information

Projector Lamp Center - SageRyder
Keeping your refund/refunding is a scam

Abc Distributing
ABC Distributing - LTD Commodities C/O Southern Florida Home Food Service, Corp c/O Southern Florida Home Food Service, Corp. Ripoff