Revou is no where near ready to sell yet so please DON'T buy REVOU

Internet & Web

Don't buy revou...
Please everyone do not buy REVOU. The software
is not ready yet. The support is the worst in the history of the Internet. I don't believe there is any company's support department is as bad as Revou's.
I bought the Revou with installation. They did not install the software to my server but they took the money. Then after 35 (yes 35) mails sent to them. I gave up. Then I had to pay my hosting people additional $40 to install it.
Then it came with all the bugs. Nothing works... Altogether I must have sent them at least 150 mails...

I bought the software on March 13th and today is May 8th. So almost 2 months since I bought the script... Their support people just flatly ignored my plea to fix all the problems it came with... But they just don't answer. There is no telephone number. So u can not talk to them... I cried. I begged, I threatened, I asked, I prayed, I got mad, I tried to make them feel guilty. I called them names... Nothing. Nothing seemed to bother them. I told them that I complained to BBB,, and all the blogs I could write... But nothing. Simply nothing. They just don't react. I think they don't even speak English... It seemed like they r Russian low people...

I don't know how to make them fix my problem... I understand. When a company sells a product to a customer. The customer who already bought the product. Is the most important customer for that company... But not to them. I also understand. When a customer buys a product you should give 100% but here they took my money but never delivered anything... This kinds of people r not at all businessman they r the scum. They r con people.
So Please Do not buy Revou. It is not ready yet...

Country: USA
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Buyers beware!
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Net Detective
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