MBL Enterprises
AKA Waitinglonely.com AKA Marriedbutlonely.net Internet spam, ripoff. If you were duped, the FTC wants to hear from you! Balwin

Internet & Web

This is how the scam/spam works (in my case and another reported case listed by website "marriedbutlonely.net")

You join a legitimate on-line dating service.in my case it was AdultFriendFinders.com. I am not reporting them. At some point you use the dating service's own e-mail system to answer a personal ad. It's to a supposed woman (with a picture posted, in fact) who claims her husband has cheated on her, she wants revenge, she needs affirmation of her attractiveness, she has had a "plain vanilla" sex life and wants to try everything because life only comes around once. Etc.

You get a reply via the personals mail system from her. She tells you her name, in this instance "Krista", and because she doesn't have a paying membership, she can only respond to one e-mail per day. And now you are that lucky soul, because she has a "good feeling about our potential". So, she gives you her Hotmail address. Seems reasonable, doesn't it?

So, you e-mail her at that the Hotmail address - from Outlook Express, Eudora, whatever mail client you use. Now she has your real e-mail address to respond to.

She responds, but it is from a different Hotmail address than you mailed her from. So what does it contain? A seemingly personalized reply, saying that the best way to contact her is at http://www.waitinglonely.com because it is discreet, and it is where she has put up more pictures, and a profile with her "real" e-mail address an phone number. Adds "now we'll see how serious you really are:) I'm still free for the next three days."

You go to the website. It has page after page of statements about 1000's of personal ads and other enticing things. But that isn't why you are there. You want to contact Krista. But, you need to have use an "age verification system" to protect the women with ads on the site, and to keep minors out. This "AVS" is called Cyberage.com.

They want $24.95. While I am sure others pay it, I went "Naahhhh" and closed the window. But then a pop-up ad is on the screen offering you a three day trial for $1.99. That's no big deal, you just have to cancel within 3 days and no further charges. So I go "Why not?" Let's see this thing to its logical conclusion.

I get a password and enter the site. The only page there has pictures of naked women. You click on one and get a bunch of them. And one of them in fact said Krista00.
One small problem: she is supposedly on-line on a web cam. Not true. How do you contact the "girls"? Why write to them at marriedbutlonely2@hotmail.com.

I wouldn't recommend doing that. That domain/website, marriedbutlonely, has already been reported here at

Well, I'm only out $1.99 so what's the big deal, right?
Answer: SPAM

I keep getting e-mails from "Krista" from different e-mail addresses, all of the form Krista_#_Persey@hotmail.com, where # is a series of numbers. Different numbers. They are repetitive, trying to get me to go back to the www.waitinglonely.com/krista00 webpage.

I did an Internet search on the two domains, got referred to a whois search on directnic.com and found out both are registered to MBL Enterprises at the above address. There is a phone #, unfortunately it only connects you to a voice-mail pickup center, nothing where you can leave a message. I wouldn't try to contact them at the "jeffreyshomepage@yahoo.com" which is the listed e-mail for MBL as one might wind up on a UCE list.

Here is some late-breaking news! The Federal Trade Commission had filed suit against Brian D. Westby, the operator of "marriedbutlonely.net" as well as some other adult-themed web sites, including "waitinglonely.com". He appears to be the owner of MBL Enterprises.

It is the first time a spammer has been sued for using deceptive subject lines in his spam. According to IDG new services, there have been over 46,000 complaints received by the FTC against Westby's operations. The FTC is seeking a permanent injunction against him for deceptive advertising. How fitting.

If you get ripped off by a so-called adult website, do not be embarrassed! You are not alone. It doesn't make you a pervert, weirdo, or loser. You only lose if you stay quiet about your rip-off. Scam artists and con men actually count on that embarrassment to keep their victims from contacting the authorities.

And the FTC wants to hear from you! Don't be a silent victim! Post your report here, and don't hesitate to visit www.ftc. Gov to report any type of Internet fraud. They are collecting the information for a centalized database that can (and will) be used by any law enforcement agency that looks at it.

And I have to say that complaint was way ahead of the curve on this one. The other complaint reported here is high on the list of matches on the MSN search engine.

Boy, do I feel better. But, I'm sure Westby isn't the only one out there pulling this scam. He's just the biggest fish they could catch. Be very careful about whom you give your real, ISP e-mail address to. It's a lesson worth learning.

Santa Monica, California

Company: MBL Enterprises
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Ballwin
Address: MBL Enterprises, P.O. Box 475, 63022
  <     >  


Fling Full of scammers and they simply don't care, lousy service

MSN Hotmail
MSN, Live.com Don't trust unreliable ISPs

Msm Hotmail
Msn hotmail e-mail scam to make you buy service. Ripoff! Internet

BlackBook.com This site is a big rip-off! Just like many of the other sex sites out there

SMS Spam from 1 631 256 7406 dessmompiiier@hotmail.com
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Fraud & Identity Theft

Ripoff fraud Business owner is known internet scam artist, spam - mailer, and much more including telephone harrassment, criminal behavio

Practices are deceptive and 99% of the women are not real members