Vinitti Jacob Clement Ridiculous Ripped us off, no guarantee fulfilled

Internet & Web

We got the special $99 ($200 off) thing, and saw for ourselves what the company was. All it is a banner you copy and paste to your website.

You sell the same program and get 50% commission.

We worked the program, but didn't see any results. They did not fulfill their guarantee.

When I emailed them to clarify what what the guarantee meant, Jacob Clement nastily replied that we should get our heads checked it's written in plain English. Classy company...

Out of all the flimsy internet businesses out there, this takes the cake.

Company: Vinitti
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Provo
Phone: 8015298785
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Vinitti inc
Jacob o Clement Vinitti / jacob clement is a fraud!

Vinitti Cash Flow System
Vinitt Inc - - Jacob Clemente Complete Rip-Off! Made Zero-Zero Support-No Guarantee
Jacob Clement False Promises, Deceptive

Vinitti Cash Flow System
On April 14th, to my personal disgust, I fell into this scam, paying $99.00!

Jacob Clement
President Vinitti Inc I have been a victim of a SCAM

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Jacob Caudy Nothing More Than a Common Thief, Bradenton

Vinitti Cash Flow System

Vinitti inc
Scam me out of $299!

Vinitti Cash Flow System
Cheated me out of $299.00

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Consumer Report