Hughes Net
Slow, expensive, bait and switch

Internet & Web

Lately requested Hughes Internet... Previously experienced the Wild Blue disaster. I believed anything certainly needs to work with those people within the rural areas. Faked... Again.

In the beginning (test interval, may stop anytime) rates were wonderful. Websites packed in file period, searches were fast, I had been excited. Lastly... I had beennot web punished for dwelling on the plantation.

Test period ends. You know what? Oh yes. Sluggish as molassas within the winter. And today I am in a two-year agreement, trial has ended... May charge my next decades' tuition simply to stop the doggone thing.


Company: Hughes Net
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
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Slow Support toptobottom

Hughes Net Satellite
Faulse Advertising

Never got it, STILL charged me $!

Acai Berry Detox
Refusal to return upon termination

Hughes Net
Unbelieveably HORRIBLE support

Hughes Net
Hughes net

Rural Internet

Wild blue internet - wild blue internet

Hughes Net
Outright mail fraud!

F.A. P & installation fees