EKMpwershop coldcalling tactics bring shame on them

Internet & Web

A heads up to all my fellow eCommerce service providers in the community, EKMpowershop.co.uk are currently running a cold-calling campaign targetting shops hosted by other service providers.

I had a very excited young lady on the phone this morning trying to convince me to change my shop to EKMpowershop.co.uk. I let her speak for a few minutes before putting her out of her misery, but their strategy of targetting our clients is quite aggressive.

We've just completed an import routine that can load product data from the standard EKM product export file, so we will be returning the compliment in the coming months and talking to their customers.

And here I was thinking the eCommerce service provider market was professional with respect amongst providers:

Wrong EKMpowershop.co.uk are scum and my advice is to stay well clear of them. They steal other peoples hard work and pretend they own the rights then re sell on to the consumer. Its about time they got slammed.

london, Kentucky
United Kingdom

Company: EKMpowershop.co.uk
Country: USA
Phone: 04408712307116
Site: www.ekmpowershop.co.uk
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