Domain Renewal Group
Money for Nothin'... Man...!

Internet & Web

What this company is doing is getting hold (somehow...) of info on Domains registered with other companies (even guaranteed ones) and sending letters saying we need to send them (Domain Renewal Group) money to keep our name. This is not the case. It is, as I say in my title an attempt to get money for nothing...! I am told by my host that it is legal. Weird laws we have. How did they acquire information on me...? If you get anything in the mail form Domain Renewal Group please tear it up. They are just thieves. We have in our society enough money problems at present without people trying to trick money out of us. Please join me in an informal "Grass roots" movement to get rid of such creeps...

I called their number to complain about the practice and the representative said "do you know what advertisement is...?". I hung up pretty soon after that so I didn't really get his definition; but apparantly for Domain Renewal Group the definition includes the attempt to get money for nothing. Where I come from we call that stealing! This business should be woke up by the fact of not getting any customers at all!

Company: Domain Renewal Group
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Buffalo
Address: 2361 Delaware Avenue #266
Phone: 8664340212
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Domain Renewal Group
Domain Registry of America, Send no money! These people are rip-off and scam artists!

Domain Registry Of America
False Domain Renewal Forms Worldwide
Deceptive practices, undeliverable services

Domain Renewal Group
Fraudulent and Deceptive Trade Practices Buffalo New York
Go Take over my domain name and asked for more money to renew

Domain Registry Of America
Brandon gray internet services inc. (dba "") Domain renewal service rip off, domain renewal, domain scam, over priced domain services
Don't be one day late renewing your domain
Expired domain hostage taking

Domain Registry Of America
Domain Registry of America Misleading domain renewal letters that fool you into thinking you need to renew your domain names with them. Ripoff

ISPRenewal, ISP Renewal Reminder Domain ISP Renewal Reminder onlinereminder Scam Cesis