TWX Magazine
Make charges without authorization

Internet & Web

TWX Magazine is horrible, they'll charge your account without telling you at random. My husband fell into the trap when he took a survey through after ordering through Vermont Teddy Bears website. I find this to be entrapment on the consumer. They'll charge $2 for each magazine you sign up for just about each month, keep an eye on your account!

I just checked my online banking account, and found the charged my account $44 for Entertainment Weekly and $55 for Time. I, nor my husband, were never sent any type of renewal for these magazines. What's even worse is when we called the 800 numbers for the other magazines that we did receive notifications for, it's all automated and they threw in other products to get you to buy. It's fustrating to make a simple cancelation, but you have to go through the process otherwise you'll be charged.

I'm going to my bank tomorrow to cancel the account's card and hope the bank will get my money back.

The only advice I can give is if it's too good to be true, don't give into it. Chances are there's a catch. Read everything on the webpage, just don't agree to something that you're not familiar with.

Company: TWX Magazine
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Phone: 8006413465
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