- Third Row Productions
Jeff Schroeder Threats, harassment, sarcastic responses to e-mails, alllows widespread cheating, lies about customers, treats them with disdain and extends favoritism to certain players

Internet & Web

The game is supposed to be a dog show simulation. While it is that, as an online simulation it has too many flaws to be worth paying for.

Customer service is nonexistent. Period. Jeff Schroeder and his staff do not know the meaning of customer service.

Replies to e-mails (if you ever get one) are abrasive and make customers feel like they are bothering the so-called staff there to serve them.

The site Administrator does little to improve the game, keep it challenging and close all the loopholes for cheating. As a matter of record the more paying accounts you have on the more license you are given to cheat, harass other players and to exploit its many flaws. This makes the game no fun and tedious for everyone else.

The site administrator admittedly sets goals for game improvements with deadlines which he never intends to keep. He is unprofessional and lazy. His work ethic is sloppy. He has obviously reached the limit of his competency.

He has a forum for game suggestions but doesn't listen to or care about what his customers want to get and what they pay for out of the simulation. It isn't so much that he is resistant to change but he does as little as possible to keep his game viable. He has failed to implement many promised game enhancements over the years of its existence.

Not only this but he has an attitude that he is doing you a favor by giving you the privilege to play his creation. Mind you the people who play this game are paying for it. As a site administrator he doesn't seem capable of grasping the idea that he is working for his customers.instead he has an overblown view of his ego and the value of his game. He acts like a rock star with legions of fawning teenage girls.

The customers who do not treat him as a demigod are then treated with contempt and disrespect. He also does things to these players to make their experience on the simulation less fulfilling than for those who kiss his a* and pay him the most money.

Remember he is getting payed by all of them equally and in essence is employed by each of todays marketplace any other employee would be fired immediately if he treated his boss like he was doing him a favor to show up at work and then sit on his butt once he got there.

As to the actual site there are frequent timeouts and other reoccurring problems with the simple daily workings of the simulation, many no doubt are programming errors or just plain carelessness. These problems never do seem to get resolved and keep happening.

The site administrator runs a very slipshod site where cheating is easy given the desire to do so and with a small amount of effort. The site administrator has no wish to create a site free of cheating and if anyone dares to mention cheating or loopholes he silences them by taking away posting rights or banning them from his site.

If a customer is banned their money is NOT fact there are no cases where the site administrator refunds money to customers.

He works with Pay Pal and has frequent problems with them... Most of them are self-created. Again his customers suffer as they are accused of not paying for their subscriptions when these problems occur and their kennels closed or but on a reduced level of play.

He never admits to his own errors but is quick to blame customers, servers, web hosts and anyone he can think of for everything and anything that goes awry. He never takes responsibility for anything to do with his simulation.

As for how the simulation is set up it encourages massive breeding, does not investigate copyright infringement and is a haven for irresponsible dog ownership and animal cruelty. He does not care if his customers refer to themselves as puppy mills or encourage the puppies bought from them to be cooked, flushed down the toilet, abandoned or worse. could be a great dog show simulation if it's administrator actually did the job of a site administrator. He is a failure and this makes for a mediocre at best online game experience.

Save your money and do not subscribe to There are many other online simulations with site administrators who make their customers the #1 priority with games kept current and fair while giving every customer what they want for their entertainment dollar.

The site owner and administrator just wants your cash to keep flowing in and you to keep your mouths shut.

Bow to him and be thankful to play his hackneyed game... The new Horseland.

Company: - Third Row Productions
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: San Antonio
Address: 1702 Twilight Bluff
Phone: 2103807459
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