Square Enix
Unathorized charge to my credit/debit of $62.90 North America

Internet & Web

After checking my account statement online, I noticed that I was charged by a former gaming company I had a previous account setup with. I had canceled my account with them back in January 09 and received the last debit transaction of 13.95 for my final payment with Playonline's terms.

On 02/01/09 I noticed I had a pending charge for $62.90 with the same company which I do not remember authorizing. So here I am patiently waiting a response from there tech support which has been close to 2 hours (of this online "All agents are currently busy. Please stand by. An agent will be with you in a moment. Thank you for your patience. The next available Agent will be with you in a moment.") and going an hour on the phone of the same voice recording. Which ever comes first I'm hoping by today.

Now this isn't the first time I had been a victim of fraudulent charges with this company. My first account had been hacked and was charged online sending flowers to someone with a debit charge of $90. I had to contact my bank and report a stolen card in which they were very helpful in returning my funds and reporting the website that had charged my debit linked to this game. Anyhow, just a heads up to anyone else who might have been a victim with this company.

Company: Square Enix
Country: USA
Phone: 8587907529
Site: playonline.com
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