Blue Hippo
Blue I ordered a dell computer from blue hippo n Aug. 2008 did not recieve it yet. Paid my payments ect. All up to date

Internet & Web

Aug. 2008 oreded a dell computer i paid my payments and was told that i would recieve the computer before christmas of 2008 never did. I called was left on hold for 3.5 to4.5 hours they would pick up the pphone and hang it up. Several times they did that my step daughter was on her cell phone and I was on mine both of us would be calling and the same thing was done to the both of us we went on her computer and was booted off of the web site said that i used up my time never did get to talk to them at all i emailed them and got two back and they said that i was a valued customer and in good standing that my account was in ok to ship status and will processes and shipped directly from the dell manufacturer shortly have not recieved it yet / i am getting tired of companies doing this kind of stuff to good honest hard working people please help me

Fort Fairfield, Maine

Company: Blue Hippo
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Baltimore
Address: 7000 Security Blvd. Second Floor
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