"DAVID WALKER", Dr. Edwards Estate (Inheritance Scam)
This is a good example of the classic nigerian interitance scam (interesting variation)

Internet & Web

I read a RIP OFF REPORT recently from a guy who had actually fallen for this CLASSIC NIGERIAN FAKE INHERITANCE SCAM.

A few days or so ago, I received an e-mail from Nigeria with an interesting VARIATION on this scheme.

It was sent in googlemail.com which makes me suspicious right away since gmail or googlemail.com has been used to send a lot of scam items recently. Actually, ANY E-MAIL SERVICE CAN BE USED BY SCAMMERS, this just happens to be the one that this scammer chose to use.

Of course, DAVID WALKER is NOT the scammer's real name.

There may have been a Dr. Edwards at one time but THIS one is most assuredely FAKE as in NEVER EXISTED.

The name doesn't matter either because who ever the deceased person is supposed to be they never existed. This is a scam. It is a simple and very effective scam to separate you from a whole lot of money if you are stupid enough to fall for it.

(And if you are LOW DOWN enough and Crooked enough to steal from the estate of a DEAD person — real or imagined, then you SHOULD be conned, in my opinion—but I feel like I have to warn you anyway because the money from this COULD be used to finance terrorism and victimize Americans.)

The essence of this scam is some guy pretending to be an attorney or executor of the estate or other relative claims that a person has died and has left you a lot of money. You may realize that you have no relative who has died and delete the e-mail but a lot of instrinisically dishonest people think that they can get some money by playing along with this scam and these are the kind of people who are going to get scammed if they don't watch out!

What makes this scam different from the others is that the scam latter appears as an attachment. Which shows you that this scammer is rather inexperienced since most people do not open any attachments —virus scanner or not.

Since i have an entire educational institution's computer people at my behest, i opened the attachment whereas i would have trashed the entire message on my home computer.

Here is the initial message and the e-mail message:

Claim on late dr. Edwards estatethursday, january 15 1:06 am
from: "david walker"

To: undisclosed-recipients
Message contains attachments
Mail From David! Doc (36KB)

Please view attachement on claim on late dr. Edwards estate.

(I opened the Attachment and it reads thusly:)


I will like to seek your help in a business proposal, which although is sensitive by nature and not what I should discuss with someone I don't know and have not met using a medium such as this but I do not have a choice.

I am Mr. David Walker, personal attorney to late Dr. Edward, who died of a cardiac arrest a few years ago leaving behind a large sum of money with a commercial bank in the Island of Seychelles which is a tax free zone, a place where plenty of rich people tend to hide away funds not ready to be used or invested. I will not mention the amount of money which runs into several millions in United States Dollars and name of bank presently until we have agreed to deal. I trust you will understand the need for such precautions.

So far, valuable efforts has been made to get to his people but to no avail, as he had no known relatives more because he left his next of kin column in his account opening forms blank and he has no known relative. Due to this development the bank has come forward to ask us as his personal attorneys to bring forward a close relative to claim the funds otherwise as the Seychelles national laws would have it, any dormant account for five years will be declared unclaimed and then paid into the government purse.

To avert this negative development my colleagues and I have decided to look for a reputable person to act as the next of kin to late Dr. Edward so that the funds could be processed and released into his account, which is where you come in. My law firm will also act as your personal attorneys since we will be portraying you as being directly related to our late client being from the same country.

All legal documents to aid your claim for this fund and to prove your relationship with the deceased will be provided by us. Your help will be appreciated with 30% of the total sum which I would disclose in my next email Please accept my apologies, keep my confidence and disregard this letter if you do not appreciate this proposition I have offered you.

I wait anxiously for your response.

Yours Faithfully,

David Walker

The scam is that they will want bribes to make fake inheritance and kinship papers, legal fees and more money and more money and then they disappear with all your money. They are not lawyers. They are just slick nigerian conners and scammers.

They are hoping that you will keep quiet because what they are asking you to do here is supposed to be illegal and thus the need for secrecy. If it was real, it would be illegal in nigeria and anywhere else nad might get you some prison time for you and the scammers. But, in this case, it is just a con. The same sort of thing as the guys selling you what appears to be the brand new tv in the box that was stolen and you need to buy it right now because the cops are just around the corner. And you buy it and there is nothing in there but spray-painted rocks and bricks. Same principle.

Well, HERE is my RESPONSE, Mr. "david walker". Or whatever your name is.

Thank you for sending me this example of how you tried to rip me off. I am submitting it to the rip off report so that people will know what a nigerian scam inheritance letter looks like so they will know it is a lie, a scam, and a fake and not to believe a word you have written here.

I love money.

I want to keep mine.

Company: "DAVID WALKER", Dr. Edwards Estate (Inheritance Scam)
Country: Nigeria
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