David Owolabi Aka Union Bank Of Nigeria
Nigerian Money Scam. Offered $15mil because I was next of kin, if only I'd just pay the fee. Ripoff Lagos


I received an unsolicited email from "Barrister David Owolabi" describing how a Mr. J.K. Campbell (who died in a plane crash) had left millions in an account in Nigeria. He happily notified me that due to a name similarity, I was to inherit these millions.

Just for kicks, I responded to the email but gave my employer's (a lawyer) contact information. He actually called my law office and emailed my boss! He then sent me official looking (obviously computer made) documents stating that I was to get these millions via some sort of diplomat if only I would pay $1300 for notarization fees. (I am a notary public and I guess I haven't been charging enough.) There was even a copy of his passport so I'd know who to send my money to. How nice. He also said he spent his life savings getting these legal documents for me.

Just another typical Nigerial money scam. What a shame that these people continue to damage the reputation of their country and further the disgrace that humanity is sinking itself into. He couldn't even conjugate a verb. How anyone falls for this is beyond me, but I would not be doing my civic duty if I did not take steps to warn the general populace of this ridiculous person. I also filed a complaint with the US Secret Service and Nigerian Economic Crime Commission.

Company: David Owolabi Aka Union Bank Of Nigeria
Country: Nigeria
Phone: 2348023232973
Site: bari_david@owolabiworld.net
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