Worst Customer Service Ever, Closing of Accounts Without Warning

Internet & Web

"Great service" I thought in the beginning and I made some extra cash by selling my digital products.

Untill I uploaded a script for a digital market place and chose the title for my product "Payloadz and Tradebit clone". Shannon Sofield (the owner of Payloadz) wasn't too happy about this.

I can totally understand that he doesn't want people to use his trademark in titles!

He mailed me the following:

&"It infringes on our and Tradebit's trademark. Do not list this item

&PayLoadz Support Team

I replied with:

The reason why I ask this in my previous mail (if running this script on my own server is trademark infringement)
that the name of this script is "E-marketplace" and NOT "Payloadz clone".in a legal way I could change the title of what I sell into "E-marketplace" without infrining your trademark, right? Or do you have copyright on your concept of electronic marketplaces?
If I run this on my server will you sue me?
Last thing I want is to get into trouble with Payloadz, that's why I need some clarity on this issue.
I waited several days for an answer, but he didnt reply... And I write him the following mail:

Not answering my emails? I do have the impression now that Payloadz has bad customer service and considering to cancel my account. Can you please answer my mail below?
Slightly angry customer

About 30 minutes later I get a reply:

It's already been cancelled by us.
PayLoadz Support Team

I reply with:

You cancelled my account or the Payloadz clone? Is it so hard to answer the question I asked?: can I use the title "E-marketplace" to sell this script? E-marketplace is it's original name. If you cancelled my account... Why? And if yes, do you always treat customers this badly? I am not aware of violating any of your rules on purpose, besides that I made the mistake to use Payloadz in the title for my software... Hard punishment dont you think? And without any warning.

And no answer from Shannon...

I login on my payloadz account and everything seems to be ok, except that ALL my digital items have been removed from the market place. (about 1GB in digital wares)

When I try to upload a new product (check the store listing), it isn't allowed and gives me the message:
"Sorry, the product is no longer available"

This feels to me that one angry vengeful kid is running this business. Very unprofessional help desk and even taking revenge on customers who want their problems solved and sound angry because of it. You better not speak angry to Shannon... Or else!

I wonder how Shannon in real life is, does he get vengeful as well when someone speaks out or voicing his opinion?

I will lose my 35, - I spent on featured products listing and my monthly fee to use Payloadz this way all the time I spent uploading products, writing descriptions and the profit I miss because of sales.

Worst customer service ever in comparison to Tradebit and E-junkie who provice customer service.

Payloadz better delete that email account because they do not help anyway when you are in trouble.

I am not done with him yet.

Thanks Shannon! For not helping me in a professional way and screwing me.


Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: 295 Park Avenue S
Phone: 6462014019
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