X. Software
Name Of Person— Volodymyr Dynko stole my money under false pretence Poltava

Internet & Web

On the 3rd Nov payed XSoft $80 USD for a product.
The name of the person that I was dealing with was Volodymyr Dynko.

On the 4th Nov XSoft contacted me, said We have recieved the money
and will attend to the mailing of the product tomorrow.

After 3 weeks I contacted XSoft enquiring about my product, the reply was
Having technical problems.

Since then I have contacted them several times. Same answer each time.

Prior to Christmas I contacted them and asked for my money back.
I got no reply.

Iwould appreciate any help I can get on this matter

Thanks Mike


Company: X. Software
Country: Ukraine
Site: xsoft.services@gmail.com
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