Microsoft Game Studios, Epic Games
Bad software, no refund available, no support available without ridiculous charges

Internet & Web

Gears of War for windows. Released without testing, released with tons of problems, and produced by a multibillion dollar company. The average american consumer makes a fraction of what a programmer, developer, executive and so on makes.

This company thrives on taking consumers hard earned money and not providing a quality product. On top of that, you cannot return the item to the store, the store immediately thinks you have copied it somehow. You cannot return it to microsoft. You cannot return it to epic. You can only exchange. My exchanged item did the same thing the first one did, which is nothing.

After verifying I am not the problem (i.E. Wrong OS, bad video driver, not enough ram etc.) I should be entitled to free support or a refund for my cost of purchase. I am not. I urge you to never buy software from these two companies.

Company: Microsoft Game Studios, Epic Games
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Redmond
Address: 1 Microsoft Way, Redmond Wa 98052
Phone: 4258828080
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Incompatibility between Office for Windows and Office for Mac - Microsoft Office: Mac 2011

Corporation Product Quality Broken or cracked discs ripoff

Ebgames & Microsoft
Cheated my 16 yr old son out of refund or fair exchange

Microsoft Corporation
Excel 2007 - bad product

Corporation Wide-scale ripoff no refund when X-Box games do not work

Video Only #186
DON'T OPEN THE BOX - Ripoff Refund Policy and False Promises

Cheap Discount Software For You, CDSFU Sells uncertified / counterfeit software. NOT a USA based company

Microsoft Surface - Microsoft Surface

Windows XP Home Edition Version 2002 WARNING! RIP-OFF to all consumers

Gears of War 3 Multiplayer Level Reset