MV Computer
Michael Van Hoesen, Gary Van Hoesen, Melinda Sayre MV Computer are Predatory Scammers!

Internet & Web

MV Computer in Tucson, AZ is a self-proclaimed ONLY alternative to the Big Box Rental Companies for Electronics. Even though a simple phone book check lists about 2 dozen. But thats not the issue. We all know Advertising is a lie. What isnt a lie is the following:

They love to charge your debit card Early, and then complain when the funds arent in there. So you have to give them a different one because now they think this account is always bad. Trust me. Went though all 6 of my cards with them.

Then - they like to show up at your door uninvited, and unannounced. And if your not there, like say at work, they think you skipped town! Its hilarious. OH! And gosh forbid, you decide to move - and MV Computer is on your mind and you dont tell them. HOLY MOLY - call 911, swat, post 29 times all over the internet how horrible and rotten, and criminal they are. Then they countinue the slander and accuse you of completly unrelated things that you have nothing to do with. And you dont know any of this untill you do a search for a relative or something. So months go by and all this is happening and your just like. WHAT!?

Then they file a police report for Embezzlement. Lie on the police report about owed how much (presummably to get it to a felony and not a misdeamenor) THEY THEY START CRYING to the detective when you file a consumer complaint against them. I had a buddy of mine in Law Enforcement tell me in Sept i was under investigation back from August! Complete nonsense.

I spoke with the Detective. He is unimpressed by MVcomputers. And Michael Van Hoesen. And finds him a thorn in his side.

I also spoke to Michael on numerous ocassions. And his mistress Melinda Syre. Heres the deal with these two - They somehow find themselves high and mighty. Saying things like "well, if you cant pay. Fine. We can just write it off." THEN! As we now know, weeks go by, and bam -police reports, slanderous remarks on the net, accusations, phone calls, and harrassment. Doesnt seem like a write off to me. Then on top of Criminal Suit, they do a Lawsuit at the same time! Which you cant do. You have to do Criminal first, then the lawsuit.
But - he never served me the papers so - it died in processing anyways. But still. Its the principle of the thing.

So a payment dispute about how much I owe - supposedly another month payment. Which is like $140. Turns into a lawsuit for over $1400, criminal charge, and slanderous remarks.

What can you do i guess right? So, after seeing all there posts about me, and some of it is probally more indirecit fault on theres. Because they assume its me, and thats why - but still - they bicker like middle school children.

I do not care what they post about me in Tucson - i moved. Doesnt effect me.
But it is disconcerning to see it. I dunno.

I know they will respond to this - and say whatever. It dont matter. So!!! Some indirect advice delivered from me to you through

Whoever is going to your website or posting things or creating an artifical company called MV computers - just look at the server logs. Pull the IP - run a TraceBack - gives you the address. Look up the address - listed under whom. And there ya go. Trust me - ive been doing Network Security Penetration for a long time - i know all the little tricks. YOU CAN TOO! Anyways.

Melinda... It wasnt 'Turkey' day. Its thanksgiving day. Being thankful. And giving, and being with family, and, you probally are one of those horrible people who dont think we have anything to be thankful for. So if you are, think of it this way... Be thankful you were born in america and not Somalia.

BTW - new address is in Mesquite, Texas. You might be saying. You didnt move there. And i dont care if you believe me or not, but I chose Mesquite, Texas with my wife an I a long time ago, because A. ID Software is here, B. One of the Greatest Schools / Programs for Game Design and Development & Theory. C. Still kinda warm just like Tucson:)

Finished Fallout 3 yesterday too Michael - but was not impressed. Fallout 1 & 2 were much better. So get something else for christmas. Just friendly head of advice.

Company: MV Computer
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tucson
Address: 2921 E. Calle Rabida
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