Local number rip-off causes $400 phone bill

Internet & Web

Called PeoplePc to receive dial-up internet service because it is cheap, or so I thought, and I only needed it for 4 months. Josah, the tech, who was difficult at best to understand, was on the phone with me for over an hour trying to find me a local number, finally he said, "This is what I'm going to do, I have found 3 numbers that will work for you, you write them down and try them after we hang up and one of them should work for you."

What do I know? I did what Josah told me to. First number I tried worked like a charm, I'm good to go on dial-up, $5.47/month for the first 3 months great! Not so great! Several days later my kind telephone company, Frontier, who may I say has been an absolute blessing in all of this and is even willing to take some of the charges off, gave me a courtesy call to see if I didn't want different phone service considering the charges being made and was I aware of the charges!!! Excuse me! What are you talking about? I practically screamed.

The whole time over the past 5 days I had been using the Internet, I was not on a local number at all, but dialing long distance every single time. Now some might say this is my stupidity, however, in this day and age with all the services and packages available, I don't think there is anyone who KNOWINGLY would sign up for Internet service dialing long distance every time. NO WAY!

Not after a tech telling you he is giving you a LOCAL number, I anyway, tend to believe what I'm told. I just moved into this area, I don't know the phone numbers or exchanges, I had no idea and I was not told any differently. Anyway, I call PeoplePC and they say, too bad, your problem, Josah read you the long distance charge waiver and I say, "EXCUSE ME"! I have no idea what you are talking about and Josah is a liar; sorry but he is! Oh yes, it indicates right here Josah told you all about it... NEVER HAPPENED!

And again, even if he had, okay there may be SOME long distance charges incurred, not we are giving you this long distance number and you will incur a huge phone bill. And, it didn't take this new tech, Andrew, more than 10 minutes to tell me... Are you ready? There is no local number available in your area. no really? But, they are doing nothing about the charges and say it is my problem so, if there is a kind, cheap lawyer out there that can help me get this taken care of, I sure would be a grateful Mom.

Company: PeoplePC
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Phone: 8885879669
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Ripoff used long distance access number to dialup internet before trying local, will not cover or take responsibility for over $300 phone charges for 7 days service

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