Turn key setup - turnkeysetup, scripts, marketing, design, sell, php websites, php, websites, site develpment, adbrite, million, pixel ads Cleveland Ohio

Internet & Web

I Purchased an Adbrite clone from James Stein, aka turnkeysetup.net, and hired him to load it onto my server. After several days of trying to load it he said my server was old and out of date. He stated I should be running MySql 4.4 for his program to work and I was running 4.4 (I switched server 3 times and no success on his behalf).

He said it would not work and charged me another $175.00 to make corrections in order for the program to work. This was after the initial $1375.00 purchase price of his Adbrite clone.

It never worked. While he was trying to install it he raped my web site states and went thru all of my personal information. When he was finished and the program did not work he said he would be keeping my money because his product was a virtual product and you do not get a refund for a virtual product.

Long story short I did get my money back unlike many others who have not. Ever since he has been harassing me and posting slanderous accusations about me and my company including dedicating one of his.com's entirely to me. He has posted private and confidential information pertaining to my business and personal information. He copyrighted the work he wrote about me and says he is not responsible for how the information is used. He designed the program so when I went in to look at it all of the files destroyed themselves.

After getting my money back I hired a company to design my site and paid upwards of $10,000.00 for the programming alone and he has since stolen bits and pieces from it to add to his own programming. He will never talk on the phone because he says he doesnt need too. Ever since this accurance he has been posting all over the internet that I am a fraud and so is my business.

James Christopher Stein is indeed a liar and a thief. I have been doing business online for 9 years and have never came across the Likes of James Christoper Stein yet.in fact my dealings with him upset me so badly I turned my computer off for two weeks to recompose myself. If you have been burned by him I would be more than happy to help you retrieve your losses with interest. Since he has posted slanderous, personal and confidential information about me on his web site I have no choice other than to sue him which I plan on doing.

Tucson, Arizona

Yea, he has copyrights on nullified (otherwise illegally downloaded and already copywritten) scripts. I was a freelance developer and it was one of my frst projects ever, the adbrite clone, he stole my code and didnt pay me for making it, so i left it unfinished and he had my freelance account reported and slandered my name across the net. All of his other scripts were nullified stolen scripts that he claims he made, which he did not. Theif and a liar is right. I advise you all to stay far away from this guy, James is the worst I've ever seen.

Stay away from turnkeysetup, net and james christopher stein

Internet crook and fraudster!!!

You know who I am James...
And its about time you got what you deserved...
I told you what goes around comes around...

Company: Turnkeysetup.net
Country: USA
Site: www.turnkeysetup.net
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Turnkeysetup.net James Christopher Stein Candysinc
Charged us just under $7,000 to build us a website and gave it to us completely nonfunctional and then stole it off of our server Ripoff

James Christopher Stein, Candysinc Ripsoff employees

Allen Stafford, studio515.com, allenstafford.com
Allen Stafford, studio515.com, allenstafford.com Do Not Perform Services as Promissed and Will Destroy Your Business and Finances

Sells A Script Similar To Adbrite.com That Is Polluted! When you read the files, you will see that they use code to direct emails and other information to their website USA Internet

They stole money from us!

James Howell
James Howell Doubleclickittofixit publishes customer's information without consent!

Adbrite, Inc
Adbrite Pervasive fraud, Mail Fraud and organized crime runs rampant in Adbrite

James "Jimmy" Mariany
Scam artist, fake, fraud, developer, ripoff, Marimack New Hampshire

James Allen
James Allen from Ft Morgan, CO Harrassment

Claw Digital
Advertises to sell clone scripts, however they never deliver a working script and don't reply to any inquiry